Selected Academic
Intense, Passionate, Romantic Love: A Natural Addiction? How the Fields That Investigate Romance and Substance Abuse Can Inform Each Other
Helen E. Fisher1, Xiaomeng Xu2, Arthur Aron3 and Lucy L. Brown4*
1The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA 2Department of Psychology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, USA 3Department of Psychology, The State University of New York Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, USA4Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA 10 May 2016
Four broad temperament dimensions: description, convergent validation correlations, and comparison with the Big Five Helen E. Fisher*, Heide D. Island2, Jonathan Rich3, Daniel Marchalik, and Lucy L. Brown 1 The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA, 2 Department of Psychology, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR, USA, 3 Department of Psychology, California Southern University, Irvine, CA, USA, 4 Department of Urology, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA, 5 Department of Neurology, Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA, Front. Psychol., 03 August 2015
The Tyranny of Love: Love Addiction—An Anthropologist’s View
Helen E. Fisher, In Laura Curtiss Feder and Ken Rosenberg, Eds. Behavioral addictions: criteria, evidence and treatment. Elsevier Press
Serial monogamy and clandestine adultery: Evolution and consequences of the dual human reproductive strategy.
Helen E. Fisher, IN. S.C. Roberts (Ed.) Applied Evolutionary Psychology: New York, NY: Oxford University press.
Neural Correlates of Four Broad Temperament Dimensions: Testing Predictions for a Novel Construct of Personality
Lucy L. Brown1, Bianca Acevedo2, Helen E. Fisher3,
1 Department of Neurology, Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, United States of America, 2 Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, United States of America, 3 Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States of America
Plos One, November 2013, Volume 8, Issue 11, e78734.
�WE HAVE CHEMISTRY!� The Role of Four Primary Temperament Dimensions in Mate Choice and Partner Compatibility. Fisher, HE (2012) Geoff Warburton, Ed. The Psychotherapist, Autumn 2012:Issue 52: 8-9. United Kingdom.
Generalized Brain Arousal Mechanisms and other Biological, Environmental and Psychological Mechanisms that Contribute to Libido. Pfaff, DW and HE Fisher (2012) IN A Fotopoulou, DW Pfaff and MA Conway (Eds): From the Couch to the Lab: Trends in Neuropsychoanalysis, Cambridge U. Press. Pp. 65-84.
Neural Correlates of Marital Satisfaction and Well-being: Reward, Empathy, and Affect
Bianca P. Acevedo1, Arthur Aron2, Helen E. Fisher3, and Lucy L. Brown4
1Department of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, 2Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA, 3Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, and 4Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2012) 9, 1, 20-31.
Neural correlates of long-term intense romantic love
Bianca P. Acevedo,1 Arthur Aron,1 Helen E. Fisher,2 and Lucy L. Brown3
1Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA, 2Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, and 3Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Advance Access published January 5, 2011.
Tsapelas, I, HE Fisher, and A Aron (2010)
"Infidelity: when, where, why." IN WR Cupach and BH Spitzberg, The Dark Side of Close Relationships II, New York: Routledge, pp 175-196.
The Second to Fourth Digit Ratio: A Measure of Two Hormonally-based Temperament Dimensions
Fisher HE, J Rich, HD Island, D Marchalik (2010)
Personality and Individual Differences 49 (7):773-777
Four Primary Temperament Dimensions
Fisher, HE, J Rich, HD Island, D Marchalik, L Silver and D Zava (2010)
Poster in Session Division 06, # ind100247, at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association
San Diego, August 14, 2010
Four Primary Temperament Dimensions in the Process of Mate Choice
Fisher, HE, J Rich, HD Island, D Marchalik, L Silver and D Zava (2010)
Poster in Division 06, # ind100727 at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association
San Diego, August 14, 2010
Reward, Addiction, and Emotion Regulation Systems Associated With Rejection in Love
Helen E. Fisher, Lucy L. Brown, Arthur Aron, Greg Strong, and Debra Mashek (May 2010)
Journal of Neurophysiology 104: 51-60, 2010
Neural correlates of long-term pair-bonding in a sample of intensely in-love humans.
Aceveda, B, A Aron, H Fisher and LL Brown (November 2008)
Poster Session#297, Society for Neuroscience, annual meeting
Lust, Romance, Attraction, Attachment: Do the side-effects of serotonin-enhancing antidepressants jeopardize romantic love, marriage and fertility?
Fisher, H and JA Thomson Jr. (2007)
Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience. SM Platek, JP Keenan and TK Shakelford (Eds.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 245-283.
Romantic Love: A Mammalian Brain System for Mate Choice.
Fisher, H, A Aron and LL Brown (2006)
“The Neurobiology of Social Recognition, Attraction and Bonding," Keith Kendrick (Ed), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences. 361:2173-2186
The Drive to Love: The neural mechanism for mate choice.
Fisher, H (2006)
The New Psychology of Love, 2nd Edition. RJ Sternberg and K Weis (Eds.) New Haven: Yale University Press
Lost Love: The Nature of romantic rejection
Fisher, H (2006)
Cut Loose: (mostly) midlife and older women on the end of (mostly) long-term relaionships. Nan Bauer-Maglin (Ed.) New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
Broken Hearts: The Nature and Risks of Romantic Rejection.
Fisher, H (2006)
Romance and Sex in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Risks and Opportunities. A Booth and C Crouter (Eds). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Romantic Love: An fMRI study of a neural mechanism for mate choice.
H. Fisher, A Aron and LL Brown (2005)
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 493:58-62.
Some Thoughts on the Neurobiology of Stalking.
J Reid Meloy and H Fisher (2005)
Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50#6:1472-1480
Motivation and emotion systems associated with romantic love following rejection: an fMRI study.
Fisher,H, A Aron, G Strong, DJ Mashek, H Li, LL Brown (2005)
Program No. 660.7. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience
Reward, Motivation and Emotion Systems Associated with Early-Stage Intense Romantic Love:an fMRI study.
A Aron, H Fisher, DJ Mashek, G Strong, HF Li, and LL Brown (2005)
Journal of Neurophysiology 94:327-337
The Natural Leadership Talents of Women.
Fisher, H (2005)
Enlightened Power: How Women Are Transforming the Practice of Leadership. L Coughlin, E Wingard and K Hollihan (Eds). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
The Neural Mechanisms of Mate Choice: A Hypothesis.
Fisher, H, A Aron, D Mashek, G Strong, H Li and LL Brown (2002)
Neuroendocrinology Letters. 23 (suppl. 4):92-97
Defining the Brain Systems of Lust, Romantic Attraction and Attachment.
Fisher, H, A Aron, D Mashek, G Strong, H Li and L L Brown (2002)
Archives of Sexual Behavior, October 31# 5: 413-9.
The Sex Slave Trade: Biological Imperatives, Cultural Trends and the Coming Empowerment of Women.
Fisher, H (2002)
Hastings Women's Law Journal, Hastings College of the Law, University of California, 13#1:21-29.
Lust, Attraction, and Attachment in Mammalian Reproduction.
Fisher, H (1998)
Human Nature 9#1:23-52.
The Nature of Romantic Love
Fisher, HE (1994)
The Journal of NIH Research 6#4:59-64. Reprinted in Annual Editions: Physical Anthropology, Spring 1995
Selected Magazines/Newspapers/Web
Casual Sex May Be Improving America’s Marriages
By Helen Fisher, PhD
Nautilius - Slow Living, March 5, 2015
Helen Fisher Says the Future of Love Will Play Out by Prehistoric Rules
By Helen Fisher, PhD
Wall Street Journal, July 2014
The Science Behind Cougar Relationships
By Helen Fisher, PhD
MORE, January 2011
The Madness of the Gods
By Helen Fisher, PhD
POETRY Magazine, Jan 2011 Issue
The New Monogamy? Forward to the Past.
By Helen Fisher, PhD
The Futurist: Journal of The World Future Society, 44#6:26-28, November-December 2010
A Name Interview with Helen Fisher, August 9, 2010
When to Trust Your Gut
By Helen Fisher, PhD
O, The Oprah Magazine, June 23, 2010
Real Aphrodisiacs to Boost Desire
By Helen Fisher, PhD
O, The Oprah Magazine, January 2010
The Realities of Love at First Sight
By Helen Fisher, PhD
O, The Oprah Magazine, November 2009
Intimacy: His & Hers
By Helen Fisher, PhD
O, The Oprah Magazine, October 2009
Jealousy � The Monster
By Helen Fisher, PhD
O, The Oprah Magazine, Septeber 2009
Brain info linked to love that lasts
By Heather Warlick
NewsOK, January 29, 2009
The Laws of Attraction
By Joseph Hooper
ELLE Magazine, January 13, 2009
“Prozac and Sexual Desire” Letter to the Editor
HE Fisher and J Anderson Thomson
New York Review of Books, March 20, 2008
Of Lost Love and Old Bones
By Helen Fisher
The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section B, The Academic Life. June 2008
What's Your Love Type?
By Helen Fisher, PhD
O, The Oprah Magazine, June 2007
What is Love?
Fisher, H (2004)
On Air, BBC International Magazine 98:12-15
Dumped! The Nature of Romantic Rejection
Fisher, H (2004)
New Scientist, 181#2434:41
The Spark: Official Blog of
By Helen Fisher, PhD
Of Human Bonding: An Anthropologist's View
By Helen Fisher, PhD
Psychology Today